Vestry Minutes 
Holy Trinity
May 26th 2024

Land Acknowledgement – read by Michael
Opening Devotion – Bishop Don Phillips – prayer and sharing
Present – Helen Holbrook (minute taker), Rob Loudfoot, Janice Headley, Zilla Jones, Gwen Greig, Marlene Smith, Evelyn Fondse, Sandra Bender, Karen Bender, Joan Steer, Ross Steer, Bishop Don Phillips, Michael Minor (chair)
Regrets: Richie Arthurson, Bob Baker  NOTE: Sandra left the meeting at 3:00pm 
Presentation on Doors Open: Joan Lloyd 
Motion to approve agenda: Joan/Karen with changes to the order. 
    Under Business arising #5 moved to 1st position so Joan can leave after her report
    Add B to item #2 – update on what was shared with the Press today – Sandra and Mike
Business Arising from Minutes
1.    I. Report on Doors Open Winnipeg – Joan Lloyd
Estimates a least 460 attendees (highest number). Many read the Free Press Article and shared their concern and prayers. Joan thanked the committee and all the volunteers (11). Live organ music well received. Received $400 in donations. CBC interviewed Joan. 
MOTION: Vote of thanks to all the volunteers, moved by Don, 2nd by Sandra        
        Voted on and passed
MOTION: To replace the two jackets of the volunteers (were taken), moved by Rob, 2nd by Zilla.
        Voted on and passed
2.    Input for Canonical Committee (from Parish Profile & Exec. Summary) – Don 

Don invited vestry to discuss the profile. A discussion ensued. 
It was suggested the Morning Star committee should be part of the profile and incorporated into future interview questions for prospective incumbent. It was understood from the Diocese that Morning Star was a Diocesan group since the diocese is involved (finances).
Also, part of the discussion - The profile should stress HT is a multicultural community and a prospective incumbent should demonstrate cultural competency. It was stated historically HT has a variety of musical styles (morning prayer, steel band, etc)
Other suggestions, the profile should include an accessibility statement, especially considering the Diocese is going that direction.  The profile should emphasize HT is a “Safe Church.” 
 Evelyn asked how many applications were received for incumbent position. She was informed by Sandra that all applications go to the Diocese. The Diocese office will send to the selection committee all applications.  
Don stated that if there were no suitable applicants or sometimes if there are too few, then the Advisory Committee step in the process is omitted and the applications received are forwarded directly to the Canonical Committee.  Sandra pointed out that if no appointment has been made 90 days after the application closure date, then the Diocese can appoint an incumbent.
Evelyn stated the profile was a good job!
B) Media interviews May 26:
    Mike and Sandra shared about the interviews they were requested to give May 26th. May 25th was Doors Open Winnipeg and many volunteers were interviewed on May 26. Also others were interviewed by the French language CBC. The Free Press published an article and were directed to the Diocese for Bishop Approval. The Bishop was out of town and they went and published without talking to Bishop Geoff. 
Evelyn asked what was done to deal with the repairs. Mike shared that the HT pool of volunteers is small. Despite invitations to the HT community to form a committee to fund raise and investigate funding for repairs there was no interest. The past two years have focused on keeping the doors open and keeping the parish functional 
3. Wawanesa contract. The contract was supported by the Diocese in November 2023. However, the Diocese refused to sign due to the change in HT status. This status change is that HT building will be put up for sale.
    Don stated the Monday June 10th meeting with the Bishop will be an opportunity to hear why. 
    4. Admin assistant update: Sandra reported Renia left for a full-time position that she had applied for before she started work at HT. She had decided not to go back to school and work full-time instead. Cass Smith has been hired as the administrative assistant. Her hours are now Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am-3:30pm. 
5. Office computer update – Deferred to June vestry meeting

1.    Update on damage due to snow removal: Rob advises we not pay for it now but wait (could be a year or more) making a formal claim to the city. 
2.    Financial Report – Was given verbally by Michael. Financial software changed because there is no support for it. Made the switch. 
3 main sources of income
1.    $200.000.00 annually from endowment fund (bequeath) ½ to mission, ½ general funds of HT.  Lawyers’ fees
2.    Parking Lot rent – affected by COVID. Have used those funds to pay down debt with Credit Union. Was $400 thousand and now it is $180 thousand. 
Other expenses Insurance, taxes, paying out of contracts (90 days of vacation)
  3.Givings – on track

Mike then explained about the history of the endowment and why it is locked in. He also shared about how HT accumulated its debt. HT goal is to eliminate its debt. 

3.    Pastoral Care training – Helen announced it will take place on June 9th after the service. The workshop will be a time where those who are interested and those who provided care at HT can gather and discuss how to start the team up again. Don asked Helen to make an announcement Sunday June 2nd before the service. 

4.    Dangerous behavior: policy and training – Will be revisited 

5.    Challenge of maintaining safe environment outside and inside.

Vestry members shared about the recent incidents with an attendee who was given a 30 day ban from the premises (4 to 5 incidents of threats, badgering parishioner for money, etc). If he is seen on the premises before the end of his ban, then call 911. Michael shared how he initiated a conversation about safety with the attendee but unfortunately, he was not ready and was asked to leave (1 month ban).

Another discussion on the return of encampments and if the grounds became a hazard (The yard is already unsafe with too many needles). Vestry will consider relocating to another venue Because the grounds are unsafe. It is unknown if there is a private company (and the cost) that would keep the grounds safe.
Mike share about last summer’s challenges with needles, people on the roof, and encampments (which comes with a risk of fire).

6.    Items for future Vestry meeting
Sandra – Vestry to discuss renting an alternative worship space. 
Closing Prayer – Vestry members
Adjournment: 3:10 pm 
Next meeting: June 23rd