VESTRY Meeting Minutes - 23 June 2024

Call to Order:  12:08 pm

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – given by Sandra Bender                                                                                              

OPENING DEVOTION/SHARING AND PRAYER (Don P.) – members offered their interpretation and thoughts of the prayer below.

Saving God, enter the flood and storm of chaos and confusion and speak peace to our fearful hearts, so that we might find our faith in him whose word brings rest to all creation; through Jesus Christ, Lord of wind and wave. Amen.

Share something of the “storm of chaos and confusion” that you may be experiencing as well as the “Word” that God is speaking to you in the midst of it.

Chair: Sandra Bender.                                                                                                                                           

Minute-taker: Evelyn Fondse.

ATTENDANCE: Sandra Bender, Zilla Jones, Ritchie Arthurson, Rob Loudfoot, Bob Baker, Gwen Greig, Marlene Smith, Janice Headley, Rev Helen Holbrook, Karen Bender, Ross Steer, Joan Steer, Bishop Don Phillips, Evelyn Fondse

Observers:  Louis Ricciuto                                                                                                                                                  

PROPOSED AGENDA                                                                                                                                                            

Motion to approve:   Zilla/Karen with additions of #3, 5, and 6.

Approval of minutes of May 26th:  Edits:  Ross Steer was present.  Add to sentence, The Profile should emphasize that HT is a safe church. Motion to approve minutes:  Joan/Ross


Reflections on June 10th meeting with Bishop Geoff                                                                  Vestry

Members offered further understandings of the June 10th discussion with Bishop Geoff regarding the proposed contract between HTC and Wawanesa.  Vestry is unclear on who will contact Wawanesa for more discussion which vestry feels is needed.  It is important to be clear and respectful on communications and not duplicate or confuse efforts.  Members of Diocese, HTC corporation and Wawanesa coming together to discuss was suggested. The Corporation will ask the diocese in writing for clarification on the next steps with Wawanesa as well as specifics on the long-term plan.

Sunday supply clergy post-June 30

Supply clergy has been arranged as follows:

 July 7 – Rev. Matthew Bowman-Naseer

July 14 – Rev Abraham Monybuny

July 21 & 28 – Rev. Wilson Akinwale

Aug 4 – Rev. Abraham Monybuny

Aug 11 – Rev. Matthew Bowman-Naseer

Aug 18 - Rev. Abraham Monybuny

Aug 25 - Rev. Matthew Bowman-Naseer


Status of Wed. 12:10 pm services for July and August – will not be held and will resume when new incumbent is available.

Sandra Bender reported that the interview process for a new incumbent is complete.  The Diocese will make the final appointment.                            


  1. Arranging for alternative worship space - Discussion started in anticipation of sale of the church, arising building structural/safety issues.  Members itemized points that will maintain or improve attendance for Sunday morning worship, including ideally a central location accessible by transit. Time of day for Sunday worship should remain at mid-morning. (ideally)               

               Motion:  Zilla moved, Gwen seconded: That the Corporation explore options for alternate locations including St. Johns College in the case of an emergency.  Approved                                                                        

  1. Update on possible replacement of Office computer – all the hardware is up to date on all HTC’s computers with the exception of the computer used for tracking financials. Problems going forward need to be investigated on an individual basis.                                            
  2. Doors Open Winnipeg – Award to HTC

Motion:  Moved by Don / Seconded by Rob: That vestry extend thanks to Joan Lloyd and her committee for a very successful Open Doors 2024.  Approved                                                                                                              

  1. Pastoral Care training (Jun. 9 and in the future) - June 9th training was well received and successful. Seven people attended.  Further training could be offered.  Rev. Helen will run the idea by the Bishop for training at the diocesan level.    Bob Baker will work with Helen on this initiative.                                  


  1. Challenge of maintaining a safe environment outside and inside

Grounds need to be surveyed and cleaned for bio-hazards more than once a week.  Bob has had contact with Street Connections to determine if they can assist with needle sweeps. Bob has reached out to Bear Clan but has not heard back. There will be a need to pay for the service.

  1. Dangerous behaviour: Bob has researched and reported that Downtown Community Safety Partnership can provide training. This could be set up to occur after Sunday service or another suitable time.  The need to expedite the training was emphasized.
  2. Finance - The financial statement for the second quarter will be circulated to vestry who will email questions to the wardens.  The statements will also be reviewed by the wardens with assistance from Ritchie Arthurson.  Future agendas will have a standing item for Finance.                                                                      
  3. Items for a future Vestry meeting - TBA
  4. Chancel Guild Proposal – Motion:  That the communion elements be moved from the back of the church - Moved by Rob/Seconded by Bob.   Approved
  5. Pews in hallway – will be moved into the auditorium today.


MINUTES OF THIS MEETING:                                                                                                                                            


Wednesday, August 7th 6:30 pm by Zoom

Motion to approve minutes:  Moved by Karen/seconded by Zilla. Approved.


Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or

imagine: Glory to God from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ

Jesus for ever and ever. Amen.

ADJOURNMENT at 1:55 pm                                                                                                                                               


We meet, work, and worship on Treaty One land. These are the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and the homeland of the Metis nation. We are grateful for their stewardship of this land, for the gift of water from Shoal Lake, and for their hospitality which allows us to live, work, serve, and worship God the Creator here. We acknowledge our responsibilities as treaty people and commit to the work of reconciliation. We pray that our actions will match our words.